Civil education workshop helped children better understand the behaviors they see around them and what it means to be a responsible citizen. By playing they…
Science is much easier if you participate and do something yourself. During “Science on bread” workshop children made chemical experiments with colored substances and test…
Children had a big surprise today at the photography workshop. They used a Polaroid SX 70, a historic model, to take pictures and watch how…
A year after Romania has a national day for commemorating Roma genocide, two young people engaged in the creative activities of Ferentari Studios wanted to…
Children discovered cyanotype process at the photography workshop. Each of them succeeded to transform a completely white paper in a colored one having as image…
The painting workshop shows us how talented are the children from Ferentari. The little ones draw what they see around them and what impresses them,…
For children in Ferentari this week has started the non-formal education summer program. We encourage their curiosity, creativity and trust through interactive activities: Scientific experiments…
Meetings in the two communities emphasized that unhealthy life style becomes a real problem for children and teenagers. Read more here.
“We estimate on long term an increase in selfesteem and a higher quality of life for all beneficiaries in the project.”
A better quality of life for Roma people has a direct connection with an increase in professional aptitudes of specialists working with them.