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Category: Articles

Avdives Khetanes Festival – theater performances and education, creation, craftmanship and gastronomy workshops of in Ferentari (August 25 – 26)

Avdives Khetanes Festival brings together people from Ferentari and all those interested in Roma culture, aiming to create bridges and collaborations in and outside the community. For two days, children and adults will meet Roma personalities and real success models during theater perfomances and workhops of photography, painting, craftmanship, gastronomy, civil education and history of Roma culture.

Children learn to recognize emotions

Bradul Emotiilor (The Tree of Emotions) and Silvina Visan Carter helped the children today to train to recognize and name a variety of emotions. The ability to say what we feel is one that can be learned and contributes significantly to the quality of the relationships we have.

“There are many things that make me proud to be Roma, and among them is what I call the ‘Roma resistance’” – Ciprian Necula, social anthropologist and president of Roma Education Fund

Ciprian Necula sursa

Ciprian Necula is the co-founder of the Aresel platform, dedicated to the fight against racism. He also holds a Ph.D. in social anthropology and is currently coordinating a master’s degree in Roma history. He’s used his ethnicity to free himself from prejudice and is convinced that individual liberation is the solution. Ciprian Necula is, however, actively involved in many projects aimed at empowering and helping marginalized Roma communities. For him, the mere fact of the Roma resistance over the centuries is a huge thing and part of the pride of being of this ethnicity. More aout Roma identity and culture from Ciprian Necula, the current president of Roma Education Fund:

“I would tell all Ferentari children to read if they have where and how. I think only they can fulfill their dreams.”—An interview with Marian Ursan, activist and sociologist

Marian Ursan _

Marian Ursan is the founder and executive director of the Carousel Association and university lecturer at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work in Bucharest. He became involved in social services very early in life, first as a volunteer, and he has been working since 1996 as an activist in the field of HIV/AIDS, gaining a wealth of experience in developing risk reduction programs among vulnerable, marginalized groups. Marian knows Ferentari very well, and his answers to the problems faced by people here are also a call for self-empowerment and local solidarity. A pragmatic vision shared with us in an extensive interview