Eugen Raportoru has reached a point where his work speaks for itself. Invited to this year’s Venice Biennale to represent the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture, Eugen Raportoru confirms his status as an artistic symbol of this ethnic group. However, his life was not always easy, and he experienced a late consecration. Still, despite all adversity, the fact that he succeeded demonstrates his potential to become a role model for aspiring young Roma. Just as artist Ion Brodeală had been an influence for young Eugen, at a time when today’s brilliant career could not even be glimpsed…

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The author, Georgina Vatala is 19 years old. She was involved in creative activities since she was 10 years old. She started in Policy Center for Roma and Minorities, continued with Born for Trouble dance company, then PlayHood and Star Chaya. She participated in Sistem on Ferentari three years in a raw. The same with Forum Theater. Now she is a first year student at Bucharest University, Information and Documentation Sciences. Even if this is a good university, in the future she would like to also go to Psychology University and/ or Pedagogy. She loves to work with people and children, to help and make good.
Creative teenagers and young adults who grew up in Ferentari neighborhood in Bucharest write articles about Roma culture, with editorial guidance, as part of “Avdives, Khetanes!” (translation “Today, together!”) project implemented by Amfiteatru Foundation.
“Avdives, Khetanes!” aims to increase inclusion and develop the premises for a better quality of life for Roma children in Belin commune, Covasna county and in Ferentari marginalized neighbourhood (Sector 5, Bucharest).
The project is implemented by Amfiteatru Foundation in partnership with Belin Community Development Association for Belin commune and by Amfiteatru Foundation in partnership with the City Hall of Sector 5 for Ferentari and benefits from a 856.678 euros grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the SEE and Norway Grants as part of the Local Development Program.