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“There are many things that make me proud to be Roma, and among them is what I call the ‘Roma resistance’” – Ciprian Necula, social anthropologist and president of Roma Education Fund

Ciprian Necula sursa

Ciprian Necula is the co-founder of the Aresel platform, dedicated to the fight against racism. He also holds a Ph.D. in social anthropology and is currently coordinating a master’s degree in Roma history. He’s used his ethnicity to free himself from prejudice and is convinced that individual liberation is the solution. Ciprian Necula is, however, actively involved in many projects aimed at empowering and helping marginalized Roma communities. For him, the mere fact of the Roma resistance over the centuries is a huge thing and part of the pride of being of this ethnicity. More about Roma identity and culture from Ciprian Necula, the current president of Roma Education Fund:

Read the full article here.

Ciprian Necula was interview by Niko G (Nicoleta Ghiță) – an actress, composer and rap singer who also produces antiracist and feminist art. The interview is part of  “Avdives, khetanes” (translation „Today, together”)  project implemented by Fundația Amfiteatru.

Creative teenagers and young adults who grew up in Ferentari neighborhood in Bucharest write articles about Roma culture, with editorial guidance, as part of “Avdives, Khetanes!” (translation “Today, together!”) project implemented by Amfiteatru Foundation.

“Avdives, Khetanes!” aims to increase inclusion and develop the premises for a better quality of life for Roma children in Belin commune, Covasna county and in Ferentari marginalized neighbourhood (Sector 5, Bucharest).

The project is implemented by Amfiteatru Foundation in partnership with Belin Community Development Association for Belin commune and by Amfiteatru Foundation in partnership with the City Hall of Sector 5 for Ferentari and benefits from a 856.678 euros grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the SEE and Norway Grants as part of the Local Development Program.